196 Bedded well equipped hospital with highly qualified medical staff, paramedical & Nursing staff.
Kshar-sutra which is very effective in fistulas are prepared scientifically & applied by expert doctors in separate operation theatre.
Panchkarma most effective treatment of ayurveda available in hospital under well trained doctors. Procedures like Snehana, Swedana, Rakta Mokshan, Leech Application, Basti, Shirodhara, Hrud Basti, Kati Basti etc. are regularly available for patients.
Eye (Opthalm) OPD in our hospital . Many patients have been benefitted from Ashvi Bk. & periphery.
In ʹstri-rogaʹ department normal delivery, LSCS ( Caesarean section), tubectomy available under supervision of MD (gyanaec & Obst) ANC & PNC care for pregnant women available 24 hrs in hospital
X-ray, ECG etc are available under expert super vision in hospital.
Physiotherapy section with facilities like traction, SWD, RFT etc. provided under expert physiotherapist. All types of surgeries like appendictomy, tonsillectomy etc are done under super vision of expert surgeons. Ambulance facility available for 24 hrs.
Special facility for below poverty line patients and old patients.
In ʹBal-roga department immunization(polio, tripple, BCG) polio etc. facility available. Yoga therapy for disease free life and for various diseases available guided under expert ʹYogaʹ teacher. Regular health checkup camps, diagnostic camps in hospital & peripheral villages are taken.