Rasashashtra & Bhaishajya Kalpana deals with Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical Sciences. It includes Preparation & Standardizations of various medicines. Formulations includes knowledge about traditional as well as modern methods of preparation. Rasashashtra & Bhaishajya kalapana include deep knowledge about herbal, mineral & poisonous drugs, there identification & ideal quality.
Preparation Section
Churna Section: Different Types of Kahalva Yantra, Sieves. Avaleha & Sneha Paka :- Gas Stove, Burner , Different Size of vessels. Gutika- Vatika Section :- Khalva Yantra , Wet Grinder, Vessels , Compressing Machinery etc. Bhasma Section:- Sharav, Furness, Puta, Musha. Kupipakwa Rasasyan Section:- Traditional Bhatti, Furness, Pyrometer Thermometer, iron rod. Asav-Arishta Section.:- Gas Stove, Vessels, China Clay Jars. Malaher Section:- Gas Stove, China Clay Khalva Yantra. Extraction Section, Simple Distillation Apparatus, Juice Extractor.