Name of Activity: | Teacher Seminar on Neonatal Sepsis |
Date and Time: | 14/07/2023 10.00 Am to 11.00 Pm |
Venue: | Conference Hall, ARAC Manchi Hill |
Name of Department: | Department of Kaumarbhritya |
Participants: | 3rd Year, 4th year, PG Students & Teaching Staff |
Summary The department of Kaumarbhritya has organized teacher seminar on the topic of Neonatal under Teacher Knowledge Enhancement Activity. All UG and PG students & Teaching Staff were present at the time of the session. The session was carried out by Department Kaumarbhritya Assistant Professor Dr. Hande Nilam. The session was initiated and conducted by Dr. Tushar Deshpande. The topic was introduced by Dr. Hande Nilam with thorough and detailed presentation of Neonatal Sepsis. Neonatal Sepsis is Defined as Generalized Systemic Features of Infection, associated with pure growth of bacteria from one or more sits, in new born were detailed explained by the speaker. HOD and Prof of Dept of Kaumarbhritya Dr. Jayprakash Khairnar was the chairperson and in charge Principal Dr Sanjeev Lokhande, Co-Chairperson was also present during the session. The teaching staff and students were actively participated in the question-and-answer session later. |