Title Of Program “Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav” “Medicinal Plants Distribution at Y.H.P. School, Manchi hill” Objective Of Program 1} To Promotion of cultivation and conservation of Medicinal Plants. 2} To create awareness about Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants and their multiple uses. 3} To importance plants for medicinal purposes. […]
Title Of Program “Azadi ka Amrit Mohatsav” “National Level Seminar on Adulterations in Ayurvedic Drugs” Guest Speaker: Dr Pravin Joshi Objective Of Program 1} To clarify the misunderstandings about Medicinal Plants Identification. 2} To study the process of medicinal plants classification. 3} To importance […]
Title Of Program “Azadi ka Amrit Mohatsav” “Medicinal Plants Distrubation at Ashvin College of Pharmacy, Manchi hill” Objective Of Program 1) To Promotion of cultivation and conservation of Medicinal Plants. 2) To create awareness about Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants and their multiple uses. 3) To importance plants […]