Ashvin Rural

Title Of Program


“Azadi ka Amrit Mohatsav”

“Bal Hakk Din (Childrens Rights Day ) at Y.H.P. School, Manchi hill”

Objective Of Program

1} To Promote international togetherness, awareness among children worldwide .  

2} To improving children’s welfare.

3} To make sure that  children’s are getting rights and respect.

4} To fully develop and enjoy security.

5} To make sure that all laws , regulations and aims of  the child rights are being followed.

Participant Type

Faculty ,  School Teacher & Students

Date And Duration of Program


Venue Of Program/event

Seminar Hall  Of  Y.H.P. SCHOOL ,Manchi Hill

Program Organised By


Kaumarbhritya (Balrog) Department

Program In Charge

Dr. Vikram Shelavale

Supporting Staff Member

 Dr. Khandizod Shivpal, Mr. Subhash Godge

Vote Of Thanks Presented By

Mr. Game Sir

Geo-Tagged Photos


Number Of Participants

(attend program/event)

3 Faculty, 5 Teacher & 40 Children of Y.H.P. school.


Brief About The Program

(activity/Event details)



1. Dr. Khandizod Shivpal gave introductory information about child rights day.

2. Dr. Vikram Shelavale gave speech about laws and regulations and importance of child rights day.

3. Mr. Subhash Godge gave information aims and objective of child rights day

4.School Teacher & Students actively participated in the program.

5. Mr. Game Sir gave vote for thanks to all participated in program.